Health trends, inequalities and opportunities in South Africa’s provinces, 1990–2019: findings from the Global Burden of Disease 2019 StudyTom Achoki, Benn Sartorius, David Watkins, Scott D Glenn, Andre Pascal Kengne, Tolu Oni, Charles Shey Wiysonge, Alexandra Walker, Olatunji O Adetokunboh, Tesleem Kayode Babalola, Obasanjo Afolabi Bolarinwa, Mareli M Claassens, Richard G Cowden, Candy T Day, Oluchi EzekannaghaSee the full list of authors
19 January 2022
Socioeconomic position and SARS-CoV-2 infections: seroepidemiological findings from a German nationwide dynamic cohortJens Hoebel, Markus M Grabka, Carsten Schröder, Sebastian Haller, Hannelore Neuhauser, Benjamin Wachtler, Lars Schaade, Stefan Liebig, Claudia Hövener, Sabine Zinn
28 September 2021
Non-pharmaceutical interventions and COVID-19 cases in US summer camps: results from an American Camp Association surveyHelen H Suh, Julianne Meehan, Laura Blaisdell, Laurie Browne
8 November 2021
Impact of COVID-19 lockdowns on hospital presentations and admissions in the context of low community transmission: evidence from time series analysis in Melbourne, AustraliaTaya A Collyer, George Athanasopoulos, Velandai Srikanth, Ravindranath Tiruvoipati, Chris Matthews, Nicholas Mcinnes, Shyaman Menon, Jonathan Dowling, Gary Braun, Timur A Krivitsky, Helen Cooper, Nadine E Andrew
15 November 2021
Prescription of anxiolytics, sedatives, hypnotics and antidepressants in outpatient, universal care during the COVID-19 pandemic in Portugal: a nationwide, interrupted time-series approachMarta Estrela, Tânia Magalhães Silva, Eva Rebelo Gomes, Maria Piñeiro, Adolfo Figueiras, Fátima Roque, Maria Teresa Herdeiro
8 October 2021
Assessment of the proposed intellectual property waiver as a mechanism to address the COVID-19 vaccine scarcity problemJulia Barnes-Weise, Ana Santos Rutschman, Reid Adler
9 February 2022
Deprivation and exposure to public activities during the COVID-19 pandemic in England and WalesSarah Beale, Isobel Braithwaite, Annalan MD Navaratnam, Pia Hardelid, Alison Rodger, Anna Aryee, Thomas E Byrne, Erica Wing Lam Fong, Ellen Fragaszy, Cyril Geismar, Jana Kovar, Vincent Nguyen, Parth Patel, Madhumita Shrotri, Robert AldridgeSee the full list of authors
12 October 2021
Healthy cities after COVID-19 pandemic: the just ecofeminist healthy cities approachMargarita Triguero-Mas, Isabelle Anguelovski, Helen V S Cole
4 October 2021
Accuracy of the Veterans Health Administration COVID-19 (VACO) Index for predicting short-term mortality among 1307 US academic medical centre inpatients and 427 224 US Medicare patientsJoseph T King, Jr., James S Yoon, Zachary M Bredl, Joseph P Habboushe, Graham A Walker, Christopher T Rentsch, Janet P Tate, Nitu M Kashyap, Richard C Hintz, Aneesh P Chopra, Amy C Justice
28 September 2021
Prospective association between receipt of the economic impact payment and mental health outcomesJack Tsai, Minda Huang, Suja S Rajan, Eric B Elbogen
13 August 2021